Le blogue de Cynthia Adam

The Importance of Roots and Networks
Do you feel strongly rooted and supported by the people around you? When times get tough, our roots and networks can help us to stay upright and deal with challenges of all kinds. Here’s how.

Intuitive Decision-making and Nature’s Wisdom
Have you ever felt you should do something but just couldn’t seem to get it off the ground? Here are some ideas from nature about intuitive decision-making, planning, timing and how to tell when you’re ready to move ahead.

Pursuing Goals the Heron Way
Do you long to do something you really enjoy, or to develop an ability or skill for work or pleasure? Here are some easily applied steps to help you achieve your heartfelt priorities and goals, inspired by watching a Great Blue Heron!

Resilience and How to Build It
Resilience is a strength that many of us would like to have, but we may not know how to develop it. This article defines resilience, discusses some characteristics of people who have it, and includes information on building competencies to become more resilient.

Grief and Planning – No Regrets
A time of loss or grieving can prompt us to think about our own lives and priorities. As we honour the memory of a dear one, we may feel prompted to plan our own arrangements, or want help with estate administration. We may also wish to focus more attention on other important life priorities.

Enjoying the Ride
How Positive Psychology tools help us to navigate life’s ups and downs, savour the good things, and enjoy the ride. Introductory post for Naturexpansion™ career coaching, life coaching, health coaching and energy healing services and website launch.
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